Younger Students

“I would love it if [children] could have a sense of what it can mean if you can do something on an instrument that really speaks your soul” – Lars Vogt (in conversation with Zsolt Bognár from Living The Classical Life)

Philosophy of Teaching Children

What Makes Playing Musical

Elements of Building Expressivity as Organic Part of Playing: Rhythm

More Rhythmic Situations: Ties and Syncopation

Dropping on Each Finger and Beginning to Rotate

Pedagogy Clinic: The First Lesson

Teaching the Taubman Approach to Young Students

Elements of Building Expressivity as Organic Part of Playing: Tone

Some Specific Rhythmic Situations: Pick-up Notes; Rests and Triggering from Hand to Hand

Curriculum of Skills for Younger Students

Knuckle Issues When Dropping and Rotating on a Finger

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